HCWA Contractor Approval


A utility contractor must be approved by HCWA prior to performing any work on HCWA infrastructure.  

Requirements & Process:

Must complete an Approved Contractor Application Form.

Must provide copies of current Insurance Certificate and Utility Contractor's License.

Must provide six (6) written references:  three (3) from previous customers and three (3) from inspecting municipalities.

Once accepted, the contractor will be placed on a "temporary approved list".  After the completion of three (3) jobs, contractor performance will be re-evaluated.  If satisfactory, the contractor will be placed on the "approved contractor list".

Required documents should be forwarded to:  inspections@hcwa.com

If you have any questions regarding this information, please call the Engineering Division at 770-914-3688 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.