HCWA to host activities for Children's Water Festival
The first full week in May each year is designated in the water industry as national Drinking Water Week. During this time, water utilities across the country – and the communities they serve – celebrate the vital role water plays in our daily lives.
This year’s Drinking Water Week theme is “Protect the Source,” which is referring to the importance of protecting natural resources, such as those water sources that provide communities with clean, safe drinking water.
Drinking Water Week is designated as May 5-11, 2019. In Georgia, thanks to a resolution passed by the State Legislature a few years ago, each Monday of Drinking Water Week (May 6 this year) is recognized as Water Professionals Appreciation Day.
“We estimate that at least 10,000 people in Georgia are involved in the water industry,” says Pam Burnett, Executive Director of the Georgia Association of Water Professionals. “In many communities in Georgia, the public water system is one of the largest employers and the backbone of the local economy.”
To celebrate Drinking Water Week this year, the HCWA will be partnering with Henry County Stormwater Management in the annual Children’s Water Festival, hosted by the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District and GAWP on Friday May 10, at the Shamrock-Blalock Community Use Building in Jonesboro. Among the participants will be 147 students from Henry County’s Tussahaw Elementary School.
During the 2019 Children’s Water Festival, the HCWA will host the FOG (fats, oils and grease) Relays, a truck demonstration by the Sewer Maintenance Department, information about wildlife habitat, to complement other public education activities for the children during the field trip. This is the 16th Annual Children’s Water Festival hosted by the Metro Water District.
Since 1988, Drinking Water Week has been an annual celebration facilitated by the American Water Works Association (AWWA). The week-long observance was declared via a joint U.S. Congressional Resolution signed by then President Ronald Reagan.
Media Contact:
Chris Wood, Ph.D.
P: 770-757-1681
E: chris@jwapr.com